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GMS Awards Day 2024
Marshall County Spelling Bee

Congratulations to Lorelai Teal for winning the 2024 Marshall County Spelling Bee!

State Art Competition

Lexi Sampson won Honorable Mention for the 7-8 grade two-dimensional category for the 2024 State Superintendent Visual Arts Exhibition.

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Mission & Philosophy

The mission of Guntersville Middle School is to establish a school culture where students and teachers expect excellence in teaching and learning.

The mission is based on five guiding values:

  1. TRUST - depending on the commitment of yourself and others
  2. REASON - understanding and reflecting on your actions with justification
  3. DISCIPLINE - acting with purpose and perseverance consistently
  4. TEAMWORK - the ability to work together to achieve goals
  5. RESPECT - considerate of how our behavior and words affects others